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         Help needed on 1.03 RC3 installation, after step 3 white sheet

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Help needed on 1.03 RC3 installation, after step 3 white sheet

События Вторник, 24.08.2010, 14:22


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Thank you!
And what parameter is needed to configure in server exactly?
Im going to write email to my hoster but i dont know exact configuration information to tell them to change.

Отредактировано Leia: 26.08.2010, 23:51:41

Please can anyone send me the udated 1.03RC3 SQL base with admin user and pass: admin:admin.
Il try to import the sql base and load the files. Maybe than it is working.

Somehow the 1.03 setup do not save the nessesery data to sql tabels on installation.
In my hosters server PHP.INI the session.save_handler is set to "files" but in StatusX config.sys.php it is "user". Is this the reason I cant get it installed on the server?

setup.php shows error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function Result_Fetch_Object() on a non-object in /data02/site dir/htdocs/class/Class.DB.php on line 283

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