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         error in using special characters

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error in using special characters

События Воскресенье, 27.05.2012, 08:09


Группа: Пользователь
Cообщений: 6
Регистрация: 26.05.2012
Город: Melburne
persian character not working
Hi Status X i would to use this script in Persian language and the most part of site work with that used with UTF8 encoding but i cant use it when i want to register a username with Persian characters like this >>> باراد
it say dont use any special character .. so please tell me how can i fix this problem
also when im using the forums with Persian words it saw it like a code in SQL data base like this >>> سلیکث سل instead the words >> سلام
watch in photo

i tried to change the table structure , collation to utf8mb4_general_ci and utf8mb4_persian_ci and similar but nothing changed
please help me

Отредактировано berctain: 27.05.2012, 08:17:23

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