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         Integrating StatusX with cometchat

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Integrating StatusX with cometchat

События Воскресенье, 27.05.2012, 06:49


Группа: Пользователь
Cообщений: 6
Регистрация: 26.05.2012
Город: Melburne
problem with integrating chat bar with StatusX
i found this chat bar script named cometchat and its really effective and useful , i watched to their integration guide and i did all but it just won't to work .. i think i'm missed some thing.
any body can help about this?
sorry that i wrote in english if it made any problem i can try to writing in Russian .. thanks all
here is the guide link
and a standalone version of script for testing

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События Понедельник, 04.06.2012, 21:39


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Группа: Пользователь
Cообщений: 6
Регистрация: 26.05.2012
Город: Melburne
nobody won\'t help about this? :((
hey Mr.Status x please help me about this i really dont know how to fix this problem ... tell me if you need to more detail about it .. i want to use that cometchat script with status x or koobi but i could not integrate this two thing
please reply
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