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Показать сообщения от „Leia“ (10)
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I tried to resize the image via BBcode but it is not working. Used codes:

[img width=100 height=60]http://www.luniasquare.net/forum/uploads/myth/myth3_02.JPG[/img]

None of them are nor workin.
Can anyone direct me to right code I can use to resize linked image on posting.

[i]Отредактировано [b]Leia[/b]: 04.10.2010, 15:10:07[/i]
Техническая помощь 04.10.2010, 11:24
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The issue is not the unclosed tags by me. I tried different ways. The result are the same (only with image aligned to right)
Please try to add the "news image" in here on Status-X frontpage. Align it right and you will see the uncorrect line below the news.
Thank you!

EDIT: I tried to view the page on Chrome browser. Its ok in Chrome!
It seems that the "bug" occures only if Internet Explorer 8 used. Like I am. So its the browser based bug.

Отредактировано Leia: 13.09.2010, 12:41:12
Баги и ошибки 13.09.2010, 11:31
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If I add news in site and I add the "news image", align it right, than on main page it shows the bug. News box has the bottom border but it goes too far to the left, so it touches the navigation menu. Normally it should end ca 5mm before the navigation menu on original theme.
If I align the "news image" to left, than the bottom border line ends normally.
Also the line is normal with no news image, like in Status-X startpage.
Im added bug preview image.
How to fix it?

Отредактировано Leia: 13.09.2010, 12:41:53
Баги и ошибки 12.09.2010, 19:11
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I see you managed to get it installed! Thank you!
What was the trick?
Техническая помощь 28.08.2010, 00:17
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Than you Alexandr!
If I change the setup.php file and try to make new install, it stops again after step 3 with message on setup.php page:
Fatal error: Call to a member function Result_Fetch_Object() on a non-object in /data02/site path/htdocs/class/Class.DB.php on line 190

Im uplades and attached the php_info page from my site to this message.

Im pleased to give you access to my system. Where do you need the access exactly? FTP and SQL phpMyAdmin? Or also domen site/server configuration console (it includes Russian UI also...)?

Отредактировано Leia: 27.08.2010, 10:30:20
Техническая помощь 27.08.2010, 09:57
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Thank you!
And what parameter is needed to configure in server exactly?
Im going to write email to my hoster but i dont know exact configuration information to tell them to change.

Отредактировано Leia: 26.08.2010, 23:51:41

Please can anyone send me the udated 1.03RC3 SQL base with admin user and pass: admin:admin.
Il try to import the sql base and load the files. Maybe than it is working.

Somehow the 1.03 setup do not save the nessesery data to sql tabels on installation.
In my hosters server PHP.INI the session.save_handler is set to "files" but in StatusX config.sys.php it is "user". Is this the reason I cant get it installed on the server?

setup.php shows error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function Result_Fetch_Object() on a non-object in /data02/site dir/htdocs/class/Class.DB.php on line 283
Техническая помощь 24.08.2010, 14:22
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Started the error handler system.
Now it shows:
site index.pfp:
Warning: ini_set() [function.ini-set]: A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time in /site path.ee/htdocs/config/sys.config.php on line 20

Warning: ini_set() [function.ini-set]: A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time in /site path.ee/htdocs/config/sys.config.php on line 22

Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in /site directory.ee/htdocs/class/Class.System.php on line 51

Секция не активна
Warning: ini_set() [function.ini-set]: A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time in /site path.ee/htdocs/config/sys.config.php on line 20

Warning: ini_set() [function.ini-set]: A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time in /site path.ee/htdocs/config/sys.config.php on line 22

Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in /site path.ee/htdocs/class/Class.System.php on line 51

Fatal error: Call to a member function Result_Num_Rows() on a non-object in /site path.ee/htdocs/admin/class/class.ACore.php on line 479
Still emty white page
Техническая помощь 24.08.2010, 10:04
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Автор: Status-X
$config_sys['site']['aktiv'] = '0';

With settings like that results are:
setup.php after step 3 still no go.
site index.php shows message Секция не активна.
admin/index.php is blank white page.

Техническая помощь 24.08.2010, 00:50
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I tried to change in sys.config.php settings: site 0 or 1. Didnt help.
System wont install the data to sql tabel after step 3. After button pressing is white page. Tabels are empty.
And on both pages, site and admin, stays information "site is down for 30 minutes..."

Отредактировано Leia: 24.08.2010, 00:14:46
Техническая помощь 24.08.2010, 00:13
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Help needed on 1.03 RC3 installation, after step 3
Im installing the 1.03 RC3 version on public server. Clean install. Files are all lodaded up and CHMOD 777 are given where needed. http://site/setup.php the installation starts normally.. After step 2-3 I looked at mysql, the 129 emty tabels are installed to sql server. Installation history: Step 1 - all ok, step 2 - right data given, step 3 - needed information inserted. After that on step 3 if i press the button to continue, the site gives me WHITE SHEET! i looked at SQL tabels. All are emty.
Site page and admin page are both showing "Идет обновление системы. Через 30 минут сайт будет снова доступен"
Where may be the reason that i have white sheet on installation and can not end the installation? Server settings wrong?
Im added my hosters server php.ini fail.
Than you!
Im big fan for this project!

Server info from 1.02 installation (installs normally to same server):
Версия системы: Status-X 1.02
Размер базы MySQL: 250,8 Кб
Версия MySQL: 5.1.47-log
Версия GD: 2.0.34
Версия PHP: 5.2.14
Макс. размер файла (uploads): 64 Мб
Выделено памяти: 128M
SAFE_MODE: Неактивно
Время выполнения запроса: 30
Отключенные функции:
Установленные модули Apache
Функция, не доступна на этом хостинге!,

Отредактировано Leia: 23.08.2010, 00:44:12
Техническая помощь 22.08.2010, 11:40


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