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nobody won\'t help about this? :(( hey Mr.Status x please help me about this i really dont know how to fix this problem ... tell me if you need to more detail about it .. i want to use that cometchat script with status x or koobi but i could not integrate this two thing please reply | Техническая помощь | 04.06.2012, 21:39 | |
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using LTR and RTL language in same time Hi Mr.Status X .. is this possible to using to type language like RTL and LTR in same time with Status X ? i mean when we choice a language like english it will switch to LTR and when we switch to any RTL language like Persian it will show the theme and all RTL | Техническая помощь | 27.05.2012, 17:14 | |
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compare system ohh sorry the compare system is exist just i didnt realize it because of the language problem Отредактировано berctain: 27.05.2012, 14:43:52 | Техническая помощь | 27.05.2012, 14:18 | |
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persian character not working Hi Status X i would to use this script in Persian language and the most part of site work with that used with UTF8 encoding but i cant use it when i want to register a username with Persian characters like this >>> باراد it say dont use any special character .. so please tell me how can i fix this problem also when im using the forums with Persian words it saw it like a code in SQL data base like this >>> سلیکث سل instead the words >> سلام watch in photo
i tried to change the table structure , collation to utf8mb4_general_ci and utf8mb4_persian_ci and similar but nothing changed please help me Отредактировано berctain: 27.05.2012, 08:17:23 | Техническая помощь | 27.05.2012, 08:09 | |
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have not this feature Hi Status X .. i installed koobi 7.30 and Status X 1.04 and the only things that i saw more in koobi were product comparing and auto product photo zoom and also Status need to a beautiful theme i hope that i will could help about this case .. somehow its really good job , congratulation :) | Техническая помощь | 27.05.2012, 07:00 | |
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problem with integrating chat bar with StatusX i found this chat bar script named cometchat and its really effective and useful , i watched to their integration guide and i did all but it just won't to work .. i think i'm missed some thing. any body can help about this? sorry that i wrote in english if it made any problem i can try to writing in Russian .. thanks all here is the guide link cometchat and a standalone version of script for testing http://www.4shared.com/zip/oH-M0LQh/standalone.html | Техническая помощь | 27.05.2012, 06:49 |
Темы | Сообщения | Пользователи | |
За сутки: | 0 | 0 | 0 |
За неделю: | 0 | 0 | 1 |
За месяц: | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Всего: | 1444 | 9453 | 3411 |
Мы приветствуем нового участника: redcat498 |